Homeschool Conference!!!

Look at all those beautiful little feet two people can create!

Look at all those beautiful little feet two people can create!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Webb Blacksmith Shop

The Blacksmith Shop was a favorite...first we learned how the wagons were made, from the boxes to the wheels, another labor of much time and effort went into each wagon.

We then moved into the "next room" where we saw how the Blacksmith would work the metal to create the needed items. Again, one of my very favorite Elders was here with was so fun to see them as we traveled from one area to another and so great for the kids as they would recognize and talk with each of them.

Here, he is just finishing up a horse-shoe for us. Made it right before our eyes, the boys really enjoyed this one and we visited again when Dad returned...this was high on the list of favorites! We were pleasantly relieved to find out that the blackening done back in the 1840's is no longer practiced, they did use horse manure, and now the items are nicely dipped into used motor oil. Much less nasty odor than the previous!!!

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