Homeschool Conference!!!

Look at all those beautiful little feet two people can create!

Look at all those beautiful little feet two people can create!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

"Tough Times never last,
but Tough People do."
Robert H. Schuller

Well, how wonderfully encouraging is that???
Makes me go back to the thought of a few days back on despair,
Never Surrender, Never Give In...

We will last (because we are tough) and our tough times will not!

I'm all full on Hope again...
just had to pass on that fabulous thought for you tonight. Now I think I'll turn myself in before I turn into a pumpkin :) It's been a long day...happy, but long...hope you all sleep well!


  1. Thanks for this great thought, I needed to hear it today.

  2. I too, needed to hear that. Thanks, Stacey!

  3. Sounds like we are all being tried with some pretty tough, we are going to be amazing someday :)

    Hope you have a happy day!
