Homeschool Conference!!!

Look at all those beautiful little feet two people can create!

Look at all those beautiful little feet two people can create!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


I just couldn't forget this moment from today....
While driving to our soon to be "new home" to plant our garden, my two little girls were in the midst of a very heated moment. One had the very coveted costume jewelry and was sweetly admiring it, the other so desperately wanted it, the longing in her eyes was unbelievable...what a dilemma for two little princesses!
Well what happened next was priceless. The little one took a piece of the jewelry from the older. These two little angels proceeded with this conversation:

"Jesus teaches us not to steal!"
"Well, Jesus also teaches us to share! I wouldn't have to steal if you would just share!"

Hmmm, they both got kinda quiet for a moment or two...the wheels were a'turnin'!

Since they both had a point, I just listened quietly until they worked it out between themselves.
But deep inside I was just chuckling ~ shortly after their "jewelry moment" they were the best of friends once again!

I think my kids came to me just to help me laugh each and every day!!!

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