Homeschool Conference!!!

Look at all those beautiful little feet two people can create!

Look at all those beautiful little feet two people can create!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Halloween Cupcake Fun!

While I was in McCall, I learned a couple new tricks for cupcake decorating...

I just HAD to share the fun with my kiddos!
Check out our fun creations!!!

This morning, right after breakfast, we started in on baking the cupcakes, then making a super delicious salted carmel filling, followed up by scrumptious carmel butter cream frosting.  All of this required some serious patience...this does not flow freely through my home, but we survived!

We baked...
then cooled...
then poked holes in the center of the cupcakes...
We stirred the carmel mixture...
and we stirred...
and we stirred....
and we waited until it finally reached 360 degrees...
and then we stirred a little more...
We added caramel sauce into the cupcakes...
then added a little more...
We sampled ~ just to make sure it was all yummy enough...
it was, so we sampled again....
Then we made the frosting...
and we laughed...
the powdered sugar went flying...
so we added more...
and a little more....
and finally a smidge more...
It was finally ready...
spooned it into our trusty little bags...
but forgot to put the little tip in...
so we emptied that little bag out...
and gave it another shot...
Remember, the patience part...
Deep breaths...  :0)

Now back to business...
tip in....
frosting in....
bag end twisted up...
ready, set, frost!

Oh, can't lick the end of the frosting...
or your fingers...
nope not even your thumb that you promise won't touch anything...
go wash up again. 
Love you, sweet little children...

Oh, the frosting was a hit...
I'm fairly certain there was more frosting than cupcake...

Then came the fun...
Well, more fun...we've already been deep in the fun world!
But this was a new kind of fun they've never experienced...
Spider Webs made from melty chocolate....

We made so many...
again, we had to do a little sampling
just to make sure they were tasty enough.

What a fun morning!!!
And so tasty...everything was even gluten free,
so delish you would never believe it!
I'd have to say we have mastered this whole gluten free baking world ~ Yippee!!!!

The kids loved it and so did I!
At this rate, my scale and I may never be the best of friends!
But my kids and I will be and that's so much more fun!!!


  1. They look fantastic - what a great job they did! And you! That caramel does take awhile :). Love it!
