Well, I am currently diggin' my way out of the dump-load of junk that's been thrown my direction the past few days...
Can I just say how much I dislike unhappy, mean people???
They don't even have to be unhappy with you to be mean, the action of being yucky and mean is just a result of their unhappiness and I guess they have to fling it somewhere. I need to get a little better at ducking when that crap is flying about through the air! (sorry, but that is just what it really is, no way of sugar-coating it)
I spent the day in court with a family who has endured some awful times during the past three or more years...Wednesday was the "final episode"...someone had to leave unhappy...
It was my lucky day (actually my very unlucky day) to be ordered by the court to be the go-between person in the wrapping up of the final separation of this family...AWFUL!!!
I have heard more cuss words,
have been yelled at,
cried to,
questioned and I might even go as far as interrogated...
so now you know why I had a hay day with the brownies!
I think I feel better, I am just about out from under all the junk that has been flung atop of me and the bonus is that there is a touch of sunlight peeking through....
I Will Survive!!!
One more pan of brownies might be in order,
but I am going to try to resist,
or should I just give in and have the last massive chocolate fix and then move on????
decisions, decisions...
My heart is with you, Stacey!