Homeschool Conference!!!

Look at all those beautiful little feet two people can create!

Look at all those beautiful little feet two people can create!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

He answers me...

Today, my husband and two friends went out for the day to have a little fun on their snowbikes.

I was a tad surprised to have not heard from Chad at some point during the day, but not too worried. 

Around 7:00 p.m., I found out they had been "stuck in a hole"...not a good thing to have happen, but it sounded to me like that was an earlier occurrence and had been resolved and they were good.

Around 9:00 p.m., the next communication was that they were walking out and had many hours to go.  So my assumption that all was good just flew right out the window...walking out and leaving 3 bikes behind is never a good is the very last choice, so things were obviously "yucky" in their world. 

Okay, I will be honest, I wanted to remain perfectly calm,
I know my husband is capable and strong and all...
BUT then the part of me that adores EVERYTHING about him decided to have a little freak out session! 
All the "WHAT-IF's" started crowding my mind and taking over...oh dear, this is never good!

I managed to get myself together again and reasoned what my husband would do in this situation and what he would want ME to do in this situation at home...
so I said my prayers FERVENTLY,
begging and pleading with the Lord
to watch over and protect him and to wrap His arms around my freezing cold husband to keep him warm and safe. 
I told Him how I trusted in Him and Believed in Him and knew that He would watch over and care for Chad and his friends.  (I think I needed to remind myself of what I believe)
...I really knew Chad would be okay...
I just really worried it might be the longest, most miserable night of his entire life...
I worried that they might not head in the right direction ~
only finding themselves deeper in the mountains,
BUT again, these are strong, capable men and I had to also believe in them. 
I felt much better after my prayer.

Just a few minutes later, I received a phone call that made my heart leap with joy!!!  They have found a snowmobile road and estimate being only about 2 miles away from the suburban.  They can make two miles...I know it and with any luck at all, a groomer may come by and pick them up.  (I now sit and wait to hear for that glorious moment when they arrive to a warm, dry spot...)

It is moments like these that I wonder why my dear, darling husband has to love the scary, adventurous, crazy things in life...why can't he be satisfied with a book, or a golf club or a chess piece??? 
Like I've said many times before,
I'll never ask him to give up what he loves doing, but it does cross my mind during moments like these.

Cannot wait for that sweet man of mine to call so I can hear his voice and I really cannot wait to be in his arms.  I hope your walk is not treacherous and I pray that your drive home will be free from any further "adventure"....I love you sooooo much!!! 
Now don't do this to my heart again, it's not good for me!!!
(and YES, I am pointing my finger at you! and YOU deserve it!)

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