Homeschool Conference!!!

Look at all those beautiful little feet two people can create!

Look at all those beautiful little feet two people can create!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Baptisms and Tears of Joy

Last night, we attended a baptism for a sweet little girl we love and while I was there, I suddenly realized or remembered (take your pick) that I still had not added a post on my sweet little girls baptism...

I am soooo awful about documenting the important things in life!  Only our two oldest daughters have baby books, the rest are out of luck, so sorry kids, I really wanted to be better!!!

Anyway, better late than never on Cassie's special day ~

My Sweet Casserific's Baptism day was beautiful, almost as beautiful as she is!

She was dressed in a sweet little white dress, which I might add, she was mighty disappointed she could not actually be baptized in...she really wanted nothing to do with the little jumpsuit, but reluctantly agreed that it would be okay and she could quickly change back into her gorgeous gown right after her baptism.

We had many family members and friends present, I loved that so much!  Makes my heart sing inside when we get to share the special moments of our life with others...

She was so pleased and so sweet, such a tender little person! 
Her Daddy baptized her and her Grandpa confirmed her...
My husband really felt that it was important for his father to confirm her and give her a blessing as he might not have the opportunity to perform such a special gift again.  It was really special. 
The only thing that could have made this day any better for me would have been to have my parents feel a bit more comfortable...I love them so much and appreciate their support...they are such a wonderful blessing and example of goodness to me. 
But I do know these are hard days for them....
the baptisms,
the weddings,
I'm sure the farewells of my missionary boys will be another very difficult one for them,
but they are supportive, even though they struggle to understand why these things are important to us.  I hope that I can always know the right things to say and that they will always know just how special and important they are in the lives of their grand kids...(( giant hugs )) 
They are truly magnificent parents and grandparents...
Our kids are blessed because they have two sets of grandparents who love them!  I think it's high time, I let them know how much I love and appreciate them ( a card will be made and sent this week! )

Quite possibly the most memorable thing about Cassie's baptism didn't come until many hours after it had been performed, not to downplay the beauty and significance of this special ordinance in any way, shape or form, but this is a moment I'm likely to always remember!

It was very late that night, all of our company had gone home, the kids were all in bed and I was ready to head there I walked down the hallway, past my daughters' room, I could hear a muffled little cry...I poked my head in to see if all was okay and found Danielle writing in her journal and crying.  I was very worried and asked if she was okay...her response was so tender and sweet!

We went back in time to eight years before this day...
to the day Cassandra Nicole came into this magnificent world...
now what you must know
is that Danielle is the second child
and the next three children after her are all boys, how she wanted a baby sister this time...(but since we've never found out the sex of any of our children, it was always a big surprise)

Now that I've given you the scene...
let me share what Danielle shared with me this night....

"Mom, when Dad and Cassie walked into the chapel
it was all I could do to not burst into tears,
she was so beautiful!
All I could think of was the day she was born,
and I wanted to sob today just as I did that day...
I was so happy, so happy that my little sister was being baptized. 
I could hardly keep it in,
I felt the Spirit so strong
and I knew that Cassie's decision to be baptized is exactly what she was supposed to be doing. 
It was so nice to feel the Spirit. 
I am just so happy."

Again, I would like to take you back to eight years ago...
To the day Danielle so vividly remembered on this special evening ~

I am laying in the hospital bed with this precious little baby girl bundled in my arms,
my children all walk in just minutes after her arrival...
(not knowing whether or not we'd had a girl or a boy). 

When we announced that this little baby was a girl,
Danielle burst into tears
saying, "I am so happy, I wanted a baby girl so much." 
She could not quit crying,
but kept insisting that she wasn't sad, she was just so happy. 
Tears of Joy! 
Tears of joy shed by Danielle for her little sister at two different times in her life, two different situations, both of such great importance...tears that will always be remembered with such tender feelings.  A bond that is so strong, it can only be expressed through these tears of joy... 

Tears of joy are real,
they are special,
they are reserved
for some of the most intimate times of our lives...
possibly the times
when the Spirit touches us
in a way that is unlike any other.

This special day, Cassie's baptism, will forever be a day of significance for many reasons...
The love of family among the highest!


  1. Thank you for sharing your beautiful family moments. Teared up here myself thinking about the amazing beauty of sisters and the bond that lasts a lifetime. You are a wonderful mother and example, what a blessing to know you.

    Congratulations Cassie, you look so very happy with your choice. Blessings!

  2. Thanks was truly a beautiful day...the bond my kids have makes me feel sooooo happy...that's really what it's all about.

    YOU are also a great mother ~ your little ones are adorable...miss you all!

  3. I love that last picture of your girls, they are all beautiful!

  4. GOSH! I did not expect to start bawling again over this. I feel like such a cry baby haha :) that was a good day.
